Thursday, January 16, 2014

Stoner's Can Do Anything!!! Lol

I find this photo very true but very hilarious at the same time. This photo actually describes how stoner's  really do turn into engineers and build them something to smoke their weed out of. Hopefully marijuana will be legalized everywhere so some people won't go to jail for petty crimes of having marijuana.

My Favorite Funniest Video Of The Year.....

This was one of the videos from 2013 that I thought was the funniest. Both actors in the video are comedians. They make parody music videos. In the video they showed a'lot of creativity thats why it made it even more interesting. They probably will continue to make more parody videos in 2014 and I will eventually find a new favorite funniest video of the year.

Almost Thru My Junior Year!!!

I think me coming to Diamond Oaks was a good decision. It helped me a'lot with keeping up with my work and staying on task. Coming to the oaks I have picked up many good habits and it helps me to figure out what a real work environment would feel like. I don't think there are any changes I would need to make other than staying focused and to complete all of my work. I am glad that I came to the oaks instead of staying at my home school.If I stayed at my home school I would have probably failed my junior year, but thanks for me coming to Diamond oaks that will not happen.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 New Years Resolution!!!

Well most people for the New Year say the same saying every year ''New Year New Me'' and break there resoulution. Its pretty hard to keep to a New Year's resolution thats why I dont do New Year's Resolutions. If i was to have a New Year's resolution for 2014 it would be to better myself and lead my way to succcess. Work harder, Surround my self around people who are on the same page as me & to Continue my career as a music producer and keep pushing.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Some Things About Cha Boy!!

Im A 16 Year old junior that attends Diamond Oaks in the Digital Arts & Design field.
On my time or when im at home i like to make beats, I am a producer. I like to design flyers, mixtape covers, & alot more stuff. After another year of highschool I will be certified for Adobe Photoshop.